Reported by Laraine Lasdon
President Dale Lowe called the meeting to order. Don Bledsoe led pledges, Michael Abelson gave the invocation, and Chelsea True led the Four-Way Test. Guests and Visitors were greeted by Chris Forrest and Chris Ray (Guest/Visitor); and our Host was Myron Burse.
Paul Harris Fellowship (PHF) Award presentations were made for: Karen Collins, Phil Owens, Juan Portillo, Tracy Warren and Glenn West. Thank you for your support and Congratulations!
Announcements: Mary Reynolds announced an upcoming Career Day at Pecan Springs Elementary School and asked for volunteers; President-elect Sara Pantin reminded everyone to come to her wine tasting on Friday and bring a “Romantic” wine; Richard Payton announced the ARCF dinner on March 9th and encouraged all to attend; Laraine Lasdon announced that applications were open for the Peace Fellow Scholarship and that a new Peace Exchange was being considered with the District and RI’s US-RUSSIA program; and Adam Borger presented the Global Awareness Update.
Nadir Abdeladim stood in for Michael Portman and led the Thank Goodness Basket, and we heard from Leslie Bagby (who is hosting a diaper drive for Vlad Bahrencu and his new twins) and Michael Abelson.
Judge Lee Yeakel was the lucky winner of our drawing for a PHF Award.
Former Mayor Ron Mullen introduced our speaker, Demographer Ryan Robinson. Austin’s demographic narrative points:
- 11th largest city in the US
- Asian – African American population growing
- Latino fastest growing segment especially younger age groups
- Seniors fast growing sector – retirees arriving looking for housing options
- Austin has had rapid and sustained growth in population and jobs
- Socio-economic separations persist
- 2015 – over 2m people in SMSA
- Open/Entrepeneurial culture. Well educated work force, cultural vibrancy
- International Immigrant gateway
- Major political changes – Single member Districts
- Major question mark – sustained Quality of Life issues
President Dale Lowe presented Ryan with a book to sign that we will donate to Fulmore Middle School in his honor and adjourned the meeting.