Recorded by John Braun
President Dale called the August 2nd meeting to order.
Roger Williamson led the pledges and Past President Ronney Reynolds gave the invocation. Phil Owens led us in saying The Four Way Test. Pauline Gubbels and Grant Glauser greeted each member and guest as they arrived and Myron Burse introduced the guests and visitors.
Tillery Castillo will lead Camp Enterprise (CE) information/committee meetings on August 9th and 16th. If you are interested in CE, please come take a look. CE for this Rotary year will be January 27-29, 2017.
Dean Murray reminded everyone that the Helping Hand Home Summer Splash Bash is Saturday, August 13 from 8:00 until 2:00 at the home. It is great fun for the kids as well as Rotarians. Please contact Dean if you want to volunteer. The Rotary Club of Austin paid for the current Helping Hand Home back in 1925 and has been involved with the home ever since.
Mark Kapner gave a Global Awareness Update on Rotary Peace scholars.
President Dale and Jack Mayo informed the Club on how a Rotarian can earn their first Paul Harris Fellowship for only one third of the usual $1000 cost (for only $333). President Dale really would like to have 100% Paul Harris Fellows in our Club. Please consider this great deal!
Jim Bushnell introduced our speaker, Joe Ogilvie.
Joe is a former PGA golfer. He gave a quick presentation on how he came to be a PGA golfer and the changes to the sport in the 15 years he was on the PGA tour. He was on the tour from 1999-2014. He is now a partner with Wallace Capital Wealth Management.
He decided to become a professional golfer upon graduation from Duke University in 1996. In order to turn pro all you need is enough money to support yourself until you start winning tournaments. He had a group of outside investors that financed his first year in the pros and he paid them back with interest. He earned his PGA card in 1999 and over 15 years on the tour he earned over $10 million. He expected to leave pro-golf after about 15 years and that is what he did.
He anticipated that as the earning potential of professional golf increased, the athletic ability of golfers would also increase. That is exactly what happened during his time as a pro. In 1999 he was an average player at 5-10” in height and today the average height is 6-2”.
One last item from Joe’s presentation; the PGA gives more money to local charities than the NFL, MLB, NBA and Pro Hockey combined times Three!
Our next program is a member showcase featuring Dick Brown, Jackie Sinex and Sara Pantin.
President Dale adjourned the meeting.