Visit from District Governor and Rotary Club of Austin Member Bruce Golden
Recorded by Kathy Laurel
President Dale Lowe called the meeting to order. Mark Kapner led the pledges and Past President Lee Yeakel gave our invocation of the day. Cindy Veidt led us in saying The Four Way Test. Steve Stearns served as greeter and Carl Noble introduced our guests and visitors.
Joe Breeland reminded us about the upcoming wine tasting on Friday (July 22nd) that he and his wife were hosting. Past District Governor Melinda Osburn presented District Governor Bruce Golden the “Home of the District Governor” banner for display during the year.
President Dale then reminded Club members to use Meetup and Facebook to sign in for Club meetings and announced the monthly Executive Committee meeting starting at 1:30 as well as that Perfect Attendance Awards will be presented sometime late in August or early September.
After approximately 10 minutes of fellowship time, Jack Mayo introduced our speaker and fellow RCA member, District Governor Bruce Golden. Bruce is a 3rd generation Rotarian and has held almost every leadership position in the Club, including Camp Enterprise Chair and Past President. He’s also served many positions at the District including Lieutenant Governor for Youth Service, and he’s been inducted into the District Roll of Fame.
During his year as District Governor, Bruce plans to focus on these three areas (making up the three legs to a stool):
Membership (both recruitment and retention); The Rotary Foundation (this is TRF’s Centennial year); and Public Relations.
He is looking forward to the Pints for Polio events (October 22), the District Foundation Dinner (February 4), the District Conference at the end of the year in Corpus Christi and the Rotary International Convention in Atlanta, Georgia.
Next week’s speaker is David Jessich with ShelterBox.