Reported by Phil Thoden
President Julie called the Rotary Club of Austin (RCA) meeting to order, Mark Johnson led the pledges, Amy Jackson gave our invocation of the day and Maxie DeBlanc led us in saying the Four Way Test. President Elect Bill Davies greeted each member and guest as they arrived and Heather Toolin introduced our many guests and visitors.
Charles Doty reminded us about the Wine Tasting social event this Friday at his home where guests are encouraged to bring a French wine or Belgian beer to enjoy along with the fellowship. President Julie reminded us to check in to the weekly meeting via Facebook and Meetup. She also encouraged Red Badgers to attend today’s Executive Committee meeting after lunch.
Ann Graham then hosted the Thank Goodness Basket and started it off by picking a Paul Harris Fellow winner from among those who have contributed to the Basket’s current $1,000 amount. The name selected was Michael Abelson. Congratulations Michael!
Ann also took a moment and expressed thanks for being a Rotarian. Michael Portman announced that our Club’s Foundation balance now exceeds $2 million. Past President Sara Pantin was grateful for a recent trip with her granddaughter in California. Leslie (and Gaines) Bagby enjoyed a visit from the family of a former Rotary Exchange student from Australia, and she was excited about her daughter’s recent engagement! Ellen Hunt was proud of the Club’s Global Grant Scholar in Kenya whose grant
report was approved by Rotary International without comment. Last, Bill Baker was happy to be moved
into his new house.
President Julie then accepted a banner from Mark Birdlebough from the Rotary Club of Fredericksburg. She also thanked Dean Murray for all his work on the recent Back to School Splash Bash at the Helping Hand Home for Children. Thank you, Dean!
Past President Gaines Bagby introduced our weekly speaker and fellow Club member
Jon Yates who serves as the Scout Executive and CEO of the Boy Scouts of America’s Capitol
Area Council. Jon was accompanied by a large group of Scout colleagues he works with there.
Since taking this position on February 1, 2012, Jon has focused on serving the more than 22,000 Scouts,
7,000 volunteers, donors, businesses and community partners who make the Scouting program happen
each day. Under Jon’s leadership, Scouting in Central Texas has incorporated STEM exploration into
traditional outdoor programs, including a focus on “hands-on” educational experiences that excite and
encourage young people to learn and discover.
This includes plans for a new Nature-Conservation Center at the Lost Pines Scout Reservation which will
not only serve Scouts but elementary, middle and high school programs. Also, the council has opened
new camping facilities in Hays and Williamson Counties, and witnessed the two largest Eagle Scout
graduations in council history.
President Julie recognized newsletter advertisers Mark Johnson with IBC Bank and Mike O’Krent with LifeStories Alive, then adjourned the meeting.
Next week we’ll hear from John Sharp, Chancellor of Texas A&M University.